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Web Login Service - Stale Request

You may be seeing this page because you used the Back button while browsing a secure web site or application. Alternatively, you may have mistakenly bookmarked the web login form instead of the actual web site you wanted to bookmark or used a link created by somebody else who made the same mistake.

Left unchecked, this can cause errors on some browsers or result in you returning to the web site you tried to leave, so this page is presented instead.

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Connected Services

Web applications provided by the University of Potsdam

Moodle Icon, ein kliner Buchstabe m mit Doktorhut

Moodle - Central e-Learning platform

Organize your courses online and provide multifaceted content

Git.UP Icon, zwei Ameisen

Git.UP - Software version control system

Collaborative project-management tool for software projects based on the version control system Git

Campus.UP Icon, ein sitzender Fuchs


The digital, personalised environment of the University of Potsdam.

Timeedit Icon


The central room planning system of the University of Potsdam.

Moodle Icon, ein kleiner Buchstabe m mit Doktorhut


Open.UP based on Moodle is open for external students. (Instructors need an UP-account.)

Zoom Icon


Web conferencing at the University of Potsdam

External web applications

GigaMove Icon

GigaMove - Data exchange via the RWTH Aachen

Exchange big files easily and fast

More web applications

Service Icon, eine Kiste

More web applications

More web applications connected to the single sign on.


An error occurred during processing of your request. Please contact ZIM support with any questions and issues you might have.

This service needs cookies. Please make sure that cookies are activated. If that is the case please return to the web application and try again.

Using the "Back button" of your browser can be error-prone. Please go back directly to the desired page.

If you believe you were redirected here by mistake please contact ZIM support.

Error description:
You may be seeing this page because you used the Back button while browsing a secure web site or application. Alternatively, you may have mistakenly bookmarked the web login form instead of the actual web site you wanted to bookmark or used a link created by somebody else who made the same mistake.

Left unchecked, this can cause errors on some browsers or result in you returning to the web site you tried to leave, so this page is presented instead.
